Team Member To Retire

As many of you already know, White Horse Team Member Don Talley is retiring at the end of this year. To say that Don has been the backbone for the White Horse is a complete understatement. He has served in various roles throughout the last decade and served as Bob’s “right hand man” in event coordination. While we have no idea what we will do without him, we are certainly grateful for his incredible contributions that have kept the White Horse vibrant and running strong.

If you know Don, you know that his central motivation is taking care of the community. One of the ways we would like to honor him is by making a contribution to a nonprofit of his choice.

Have you considered gifting a White Horse membership? Give the gift of community and music to a friend or family member!

From now through December 31st we will donate $50 in honor of Don Talley to a nonprofit of his choosing for every gifted, new, or upgraded membership.

So help us honor Don by giving the gift of membership, convincing your neighbors and friends to join or by upgrading your membership today!